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6 Steps To Writing and Achieving Your Goals

1. Set only a few goals. Don't try to do everything and achieve it all. You need to achieve one thing at a time. If you focus on too much, then you aren't really focused on anything. You need 2 to 3 goals at a maximum, and you need to focus on one of them at a time.

Follow me on Twitter: @smartmoneybro1

You can't set the world on fire if you can't even get your first goal accomplished. A lot of people fall in love with the "idea" of the goal, but aren't focused enough to put in the work it takes to actually work towards achieving it.

Achieving one goal is far better than simply getting started on 3 goals. Develop 2 or 3 goals and focus on getting one done at a time. Keep it simple.

Check out the video at the end of this blog post where I explain the 1 on 1 coaching that I do where I take clients through 4 principles to maximizing their personal finances.

2. Set realistic goals - You will never be a singer on "America's Got Talent", so don't make that a goal. You will never hit a home run in a major league baseball game, so remove that from your mind as a goal.

Set what you believe to be attainable goals. You may be surprised what God has in store for you, but start with goals that have the potential to be achieved. I'm not saying "don't aim high". I'm saying aim at a target you can reach, and when those miracles come, they will push you to another level beyond your dreams.

Whatever you do, don't write down a goal that is unrealistic. When your miracle happens, it will be beyond everything you can think or dream of anyway.

3. Each goal should be measurable or quantifiable and tied to a time frame. Ambiguous goals that are gray, rough around the edges, and non-specific, are a waste of time. If your goal is to lose weight, do not write your goal as "I want to lose weight". That is vague and too general.

Follow me on Twitter: @smartmoneybro1

Written directly into the goal itself should be specifically how you plan to measure whether or not you've achieved the goal. This is your accountability.

In other words, the goal should be written something like, "I want to lose 40 pounds in 90 days". That is measurable and in 90 days you can easily assess if you've accomplished your goal. Again, keep it simple.

4. Create Action Steps for each goal. What good is a goal if you don't have clear specific steps to take to reach it. When you create your goal, write down the 3 to 4 action steps that it will take to achieve that goal.

Review your action steps daily, or at the very least, once a week. Your action steps should be things you MUST do in order to accomplish your goals. Your action steps are a must! Ask yourself regularly "does this action help me accomplish my goal", and "is this a part of my action steps?".

5. Do something! Please do something. Study too long and you are bound to study wrong. Analysis by paralysis is real. Some people read, talk, wonder, think, study it, pray over it, talk about it some more, read more about it, think again, overthink, pray over it again, and talk about it more.

It's better to learn as you build, then spend your life "getting ready" to build. You will never have all the answers before you start any journey, so the key is to "get started" and trust your ability to learn, adjust, and make it on the fly!

6. Don't tell everyone about your goals. Everybody is not interested in your success. In fact, many people are more interested in you failing. People will discourage you, so limit who you share your goals with. I'm not saying hide it.

I'm saying do it, show your work, and let the results speak for themselves. Everyone doesn't want, nor need, to know what your goals are.

When you are working on accomplishing your goals, your focus is YOU, not what anybody else thinks, says, or feels about YOUR goals. Therefore, they don't really need to know!

Ask yourself at the end of each day "what did I do today to reach my goals"?

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Press forward. Make it a point to set your goals today. You don't have to wait for next year, next month, or next week. There is no better time to start than now!! Get those goals on paper and lets get it going.

Check out the video below where I explain the 1 on 1 coaching that I do where I take clients through 4 principles to maximize their personal finances.



Eric is a manager of federal government contracts by day, and a mentor, coach, blogger, voice over artist, top-rated power seller on Ebay, real estate investor and landlord, city planning & zoning commissioner, and author by night. From poverty and a negative net worth at 30 years old, to a multiple six figure net worth today, Eric has had to fight through mistakes to proactively learn about money. Eric's mission today is to reach back and help other ordinary people be empowered to be extraordinary with their money.

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